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For being made for a game jam, this was not bad! Loved the story throughout, definitely a heavy game. One thing I noticed is if you stare at the wall while walking up the stairs you can avoid building panic, not sure if that is intentional or not. Made a video on it.


Thnaks for the vid, and thanks for playing! It's fun to see how people figure out how to beat the game, and engage with this small story I created :) 

Real heavy theme with twist. Great horror jam game (9 out 10)

Thank you for the vid, and kind words! I'm glad you liked it :)

Interesting game. Serious subject manner. I enjoyed uncovering the story and finding the endings. My only complaint is the panic meter. it was very simple to avoid getting any panic (and playing normally while trying to manage panic wasn't engaging). 

Overall for a little game jam title, this was a good one. 

Thank you for playing, and thank you for the vid :) I left a comment on yt too, but basicly, your assesments were spot on. The feedback is also very appriciated! :)

Nice very good game well done keep it up!

Thank you so much!